Call for Papers

EXTENSION of deadline for ABSTRACT submissions for ORAL or POSTER Presentations ONLY
Abstracts can be submitted after the presenting author has completed his registration to the congress


Eros and Psyche. From Myth to Perspective



A. Theoretical approaches

  1. Desire and loss: theoretical approaches from the arts, psychoanalysis, anthropology and philosophy
  2. The representation of love and psyche in the arts
  3. Theatre: roles of desire and loss
  4. Mythology and reality in love

B. Biopsychosocial processes

  1. Psychological  processes from childhood to adolescence and adulthood: loss and transition
  2. The role of  family and cultural frame to children’s psychosexual development
  3. The meeting of feminine and masculine,  deriving pleasure  from desire,  issues of interpersonal relations
  4. The love object, loss, envy and their dramatic components
  5. Taboo and diversity in love life
  6. Hybris and Nemesis”: trauma, punishment and  revenge in love
  7. Couple relationships in time of crisis
  8. Modern ways and “places” of communication, social networks and internet
  9. Unemployment: social and psychological dismantling
  10. Violence, destructiveness, distortion  and anti-social  behavior in the relationships and in society

C. Treatment – Therapeutic approach

  1. Loss in family relationships and the treatment through different psychotherapeutic approaches
  2. Treatment of bereavement  through dramatherapy and playtherapy
  3. Treatment of psychopathology in children and adults through  dramatherapy and playtherapy
  4. Dramatherapy and playtherapy for people and groups with mental and somatic disorder
  5. Dramatherapy and playtherapy in health education programs in the community
  6. Dramatherapy and playtherapy in rehabilitation programs
  7. Population movement, social stigma, racism, voluntary programmes:  the role of dramatherapy and playtherapy

D. Creativity and Evolution

  1. Psychotherapy, art and creativity – Reviewing the erotic side of life
  2. Beautiful  and ugly”: aesthetic issues in dramatherapy and playtherapy
  3. Performance: the  dimension of representation in therapeutic  process
  4. Life roles and theatrical roles:  the importance of transformation
  5. Ritual theatre and ritual elements in therapeutic practice
  6. Play, music, art, dance: collaboration of the arts a holistic creative result
  7. Therapeutic power in myth, fairytale, storytelling, song
  8. Unity of therapeutic approaches, cooperative therapeutic models
  9. The future of dramatherapy and playtherapy training and the prospects of professional State Registration
  10. Research and perspectives in arts psychotherapies


Greek and English


The Organizing Committee invites proposals for presentations in the context of the congress subject areas.

Authors are requested to indicate their preferred form of presentation; however, the Committee reserves the right to decide on the form of presentation, on the basis of time and space availability.

Abstracts may be submitted only electronically. For this purpose, please download the Abstract Submission Form

Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be notified the latest by September 15th, of the form, day and time of their presentation.

Abstracts which will be accepted for presentation in the programme will be published in the Book of Abstracts which will be distributed at the congress.

Time allotted to the workshops is 2 hours.

Oral Presentations
15 minutes will be allotted to each oral free communication, including projection time.

Poster Presentations
Details to be announced.


  • Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • Abstracts sent via fax or ordinary post will not be accepted.
  • Each registered participant is entitled to submit a maximum of two (2) abstracts as presenting author.
  • A short CV (100 words) of the presenting author must be submitted together with his Abstract.
  • The presenting author must be registered at the conference (i.e. registration fee settled) prior to submitting the abstract. After completing his registration he will receive his Registration Number which he is requested to mention in the relevant section of the Abstract Submission Form.
  • Upon receipt of the abstract, the Conference Secretariat will send acknowledgement of receipt to the presenting author. If non-receipt of the relevant acknowledgement within 4 days please contact the Conference Secretariat at tel. +30 22990 84570 or via e-mail at
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and the presenting author will receive notification by September 15th, 2016.
  • Abstracts withdrawal will not be accepted after the closing date for submission. Upon submission, corrections will be accepted only if requested by the Scientific Committee.
  • Compliance to the specifications is imperative – any abstract that does not comply with these specifications will not be accepted for review.
  • It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the abstract contains original work of the contributing authors.



1.     Use CAPITAL LETTERS for the title.

2.     Without leaving blank line, you write the name(s) of the author(s) (presenting author first). The institution(s) and the country(ies) should follow. Authors’ intitials should precede surnames.

3.     Leave one blank line between the authors/institutions block and the body of the abstract.

4.     The text must not exceed 300 words.

If you need any clarifications please contact Conference Secretariat at telephone number +30 22990 84570 or by e-mail at

EXTENSION of deadline for ABSTRACT submissions for ORAL or POSTER Presentations ONLY
Abstracts can be submitted after the presenting author has completed his registration to the congress