Hellenic Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs
(Hellenic Association of Dramatherapists and Playtherapists) Athens, 2-4 December 2016 SEPTEMBER 15th An invitation to Greece Dear friends and colleagues, It is with great honor and pleasure that we announce the 4th International Conference of the Association of Dramatherapists and Playtherapists of Greece (EDPE) that will be held on December 2-4 in Athens. The Conference theme is: We chose to handle the vital issues we are confronted with at the given moment through myth, a structural element of our professional identity. Being in the throes of the economic and humanitarian crisis, we daily experience violent changes as well as uncertainties and losses, as individuals, groups and also as a country. Meanwhile, this critical juncture brings thousands of people in our country, people who have been trapped here unwillingly and who carry their own losses. Our intention is to discover if as therapists whose medium is art we can help questions to emerge and at the same time to examine how those questions could be answered so that the powers of life, joy and transcendence can surface once more, leading to the redefinition not only of relationships but also of individual and collective identity. The conference will include lectures, master classes, workshops, oral and poster presentations, performances and theatrical plays. We invite you all to explore the different topics of the Conference and, using your creative ingenuity, actively participate in the creation of the program. On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees Fofi Trigazis
4th International Congress of Dramatherapy & Playtherapy of EDPE
EXTENSION of deadline for ABSTRACT submissions for ORAL or POSTER Presentations ONLYEros and Psyche
From Myth to Perspective
Chairperson of the Scientific Committee